Founded by Irène Leroux in 1968, Eres’ history has been one of partnership with a woman’s body whatever her shape. For over 40 years, Eres has had an instinctive and sensitive capacity to understand women’s expectations and requirements through the changes wrought by the passage of time. It was in this changing society that Eres put down its roots. In 1968, Irène Leroux decided to take over her parents’ boutique and sell swimsuits throughout the year, not only during the summer months traditional within the industry. Although the idea of offering sunshine in the winter was not new at the time - the couturier Cruise collections bore witness to that! – nobody had yet thought nor dared, to design proper swimwear collections for the whole year. This was Irène Leroux’s first revolution. Her second was to separate the tops of her creations from the bottoms. For the first time, women were mistresses of their style and could assume ownership of their swimsuit to the full, making it suit their own image, creating it a second skin.


Building 7


T: +30 22890 22813

eres nammos village mykonos 01